Thursday, April 29, 2010

Education: Florida versus Nevada

10 years ago, Florida and Nevada were tied near the bottom of the States Ratings on Education. Since then, Florida has improved drastically while Nevada has remained at the bottom. Why?

Here is the conclusion of a report by Patrick Gibbons of the NPRI.
While it is difficult to ascertain which reforms produce the absolutely best results, it is clear that simply increasing funds for public education will not bring about the successes Florida achieved. We now also know that traditional excuses for public school failure — blaming English language learners, students with disabilities, minority students or poverty — are merely that: invalid excuses.

Since 1999, comprehensive educational reforms enacted by Florida have included parental choice options, incentive-based reforms and instructional reforms. The result has been to drastically increase student achievement in math and reading. Importantly, the reforms allowed minority students to close the achievement gap. Low-income students saw increases in student achievement as well.

Both students and teachers were held accountable for learning achievement. Students who failed were held back or given remedial education. High-quality teachers were rewarded for their efforts. Schools, too, were held accountable by empowering parents with more control over their child’s education while schools were ranked “A” through “F” based on their demonstrated ability to educate students.

No other state with the same challenges in poverty, demographics and English language learners has seen Florida’s gains in student achievement. The improvement in Florida’s education, notwithstanding the challenges, finally lays to rest many of the excuses educators and policymakers have offered over the years as to why schools “cannot” improve student achievement.

Since there is little difference between Florida and Nevada in terms of poverty rates, language barriers, demographics or funding, we have little doubt that comprehensive reforms of the nature implemented by Florida could improve math and reading achievement levels in the Silver State, or any other state, as well.

Florida’s successes, especially with low-income and minority children, should inspire
policymakers throughout the country to replicate the state’s reforms. They demonstrate what can be achieved against all the odds and how to do it. They also prove that failure is no longer an option.

Nevada should quit protecting bad teachers

An E-Bulletin from the NPRI states that
Either Nevada somehow attracts and retains the best teachers on the planet, or the state is packing kids into classrooms with unacceptably high odds they will be taught by ineffective, if not incompetent, teachers.

They make that statement because
Nevada’s school districts terminated or failed to renew the contracts of just 0.2 percent of “untenured teachers” and 0.3 percent of “tenured teachers” in 2007-08. Overall, Nevada kept 99.4 percent of its teachers that year. Only Arkansas, Delaware and Pennsylvania fired fewer teachers.

It also mentions New York City’s infamous “rubber room,” where incompetent teachers sit all day and get paid.

The Center for American Progress recommends that states should change their tenure statutes to explicitly mandate that teacher retention and dismissal decisions incorporate teacher effectiveness data.

Nevada is last in education and we need to start to make changes in the state educational system.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Honor this real American.

You're a 19 year old kid.

You're critically wounded and dying in
the jungle somewhere in the Central Highlands of Viet Nam .
It's November 11, 1967. LZ (landing zone) X-ray.

Your unit is outnumbered 8-1 and the enemy fire is so intense, from 100 yards away, that your CO (commanding officer) has ordered the MedEvac helicopters to stop coming in.

You're lying there, listening to the enemy machine guns and you know you're not getting out.

Your family is half way around the world, 12,000 miles away, and you'll never see them again.

As the world starts to fade in and out, you know this is the day.

Then - over the machine gun noise - you faintly hear that sound of a helicopter.

You look up to see a Huey coming in. But ... It doesn't seem real because no MedEvac markings are on it.

Captain Ed Freeman is coming in for you.

He's not MedEvac so it's not his job, but he heard the radio call and decided he's flying his Huey down into the machine gun fire anyway.

Even after the MedEvacs were ordered not to come. He's coming anyway.

And he drops it in and sits there in the machine gun fire, as they load 3 of you at a time on board.

Then he flies you up and out through the gunfire to the doctors and nurses and safety.

And, he kept coming back!! 13 more times!!
Until all the wounded were out. No one knew until the mission was over that the Captain had been hit 4 times in the legs and left arm.

He took 29 of you and your buddies out that day. Some would not have made it without the Captain and his Huey.

Medal of Honor Recipient, Captain Ed Freeman, United States Air Force, died August 20, 2008 at the age of 70, in Boise, Idaho .

May God Bless and Rest His Soul.

You don't hear about hero's like this passing, but you sure do hear
a whole bunch about people like Michael Jackson and Tiger Woods.

Medal of Honor
Winner Captain Ed Freeman

Shame on the American media !!!

Now ... YOU pass this along to YOUR
mailing list. Honor this real American.

Arizona immigration law

There are 2 articles in the Review Journal on April 27th about the Arizona immigration law.
The first article stated that,
Gov. Jim Gibbons on Monday blamed President Barack Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., for failing to stop illegal immigration and leaving Arizona no choice but to pass its own law to prevent the flow of noncitizens across the Mexican border.

If the illegal aliens leave Arizona, where will they go? Do you think that they may come to Nevada?
The second article stated that,
Local immigration reform advocates came back from weekend protests in Arizona with a clear message: what happened there won't fly in Nevada.

"People in Nevada are going to stand up," Michael Flores, Southern Nevada director of Reform Immigration for America, said at a Monday morning press conference at La Iglesia Amistad Cristiana, a church on Stewart Avenue at Ninth Street. "We're going to prevent anything like that from coming here."

I wish that they would do something to prevent illegal aliens "from coming here."

They are breaking the law. Do we really want people who break the law to move to Nevada?

What really was behind the financial crisis?

This letter to the editor in the Sun is a concise explanation of how the financial crisis occurred. It is simplistic, but lists the most important causes. The writer states that,
The crisis was the ultimate consequence of politicians from both parties pursuing the objective of greater home ownership.

Notice that he blames both political parties. Without the influence of congress, the financial crisis may not have occurred.
He continues,
With a wink and a nod, they let Fannie and Freddie know that the taxpayers would pick up the tab if need be. At the same time, they used the Community Reinvestment Act to coerce the banks into making more subprime loans.

The banks did make risky loans and they did make a profit on them. However, the politicians who encouraged if not actually forced them into this position, are trying to put all the blame on the financial institutions.

If we let them get away with it, shame on us.

Bankrupt Social Security shafting the kids

This is a very interesting letter to the editor in the Review Journal. I love the last paragraph which says,
Mr. Olivier and I will continue to cash our Social Security checks every month. The difference between us is that I will do so with a certain discontent and concern (but not enough moral fiber to reject the money), and he will do so adamantly convinced he has an absolute right to every dollar of profit he is wringing out of the kids we are shafting.

It expresses why I am running for State Senator. Our generation should not leave our children and grandchildren with a huge debt to pay because we could not control our spending.

Constitutionalist Revolt

This article was in the Review Journal on April 25th. It is about the Tea Party Patriot's Contract From American that lists 10 planks.

These 10 planks are the results of a survey of 500,000 votes.

The number one issue is to protect the Constitution.

2 of the top 5 mention the Constitution and the remaining 5 concern the limiting of government size, government spending, government health care, government control of the economy, and government taxing.

I would agree. What would you vote?

Sunday, April 25, 2010

No confidence by Steve Wynn

This quote by Steve Wynn should worry everyone.
"The governmental policies in the United States of America are a damper, a wet blanket," Mr. Wynn said in a different interview on Bloomberg Television. "They retard investment, they retard job formation, they retard the creation of a better life for the citizens in spite of the rhetoric of the president.

"I don't think the Las Vegas market at the moment beckons a large investment," Mr. Wynn said. "The economic outlook in the United States, the policies of this administration, which do not favor job formation, do not encourage investment at all."

The Review Journal concludes the article saying,
Mr. Wynn is no partisan hack, and we hope he sticks around. But even the most economically unsophisticated taxpayer should be concerned when one of this country's most successful entrepreneurs -- and the chief executive of a publicly traded corporation -- declares that this country is no longer a good place to do business.

2010 Boy Scout Expo at Sunset Park

The Independent American Party had a booth at the Boy Scout Expo yesterday. Leonard Foster(candidate in Assembly 13), Stan Vaughan(candidate in Assembly 15), Warren Markowitz(Controller), and I want to thank everyone who stopped by to talk to us.

It was a great time. Stan, who is the world champion chess player, played with children and a few adults all day. Many of the children were surprisingly good.

We had many people register as Independent American Party voters. I don't remember talking to anyone who was happy with our legislature. If this is any indication, incumbents are going to have a tough time getting reelected.

Arizona gets tough legislation about illegal aliens

The legislation sent to the Republican Governor by their Legislature, makes it a crime under state law to be in the country illegally. It also requires local police officers to question people about their immigration status it there is a reason to suspect they are illegal immigrants;allows lawsuits against government agencies that hinder enforcement of immigration laws; and makes it illegal to hire illegal immigrants for day labor or knowingly transport them.

Obama called the Arizona bill misguided and instructed the Justice Department to examine it to see if it's legal.

These are quotes from an article in the Review Journal. While I like the law, I have to wonder why we need it. Just enforce the laws we have. What part of illegal don't they understand? Also, why is Obama fighting laws that enforce existing laws?

Pay Raises of Congress

This Review Journal article claims that Congress found a way to get around the Constitution so that they would keep getting raises.
But it took a lot less than two centuries for Congress to find a way around the measure, needless to say. The delegates simply set up a mechanism under which their regular raises take effect "automatically." Because the senators and representatives don't actually "vote" themselves a raise, they figured no ruckus would be raised by their pay hikes coming along just as regular as Old Faithful.

We need to vote in people who will uphold the Constitution.

Minimum to park and pick up at McCarran goes up to $2

This article in the Las Vegas Sun tells about the price increase in parking at McCarran. This is just the start of raising costs and taxes.
“The minimum charge: $2.

This is ridiculous!” Pahrump resident Darlene Borgman said when the new system caught her by surprise last week. “They must really be hurting for money.”

She parked for 13 minutes while picking up a friend. Under the old system, 10 minutes would have cost a quarter; 20 minutes, 50 cents.

In short-term lots on floors 1 and 2M in the parking garage, rates are $2 for the first 60 minutes, $4 for one to two hours, $6 for two to three hours and $3 for each additional hour. The daily maximum charge is $36 and if you lose your ticket, the minimum charge is $36.

When the legislature meets in 2011, you know that tax increases are on the agenda. We must start now to fight these tax increases.

Hospitals lose $133.1 million

Article in the Business section of the Review Journal stated that,
Among all hospitals, deductions taken for discounts to people without insurance and charity care rose 31 percent to $414.2 million. At the same time, however, bad debt write-offs dropped 9 percent to $484.4 million.

Of course

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nevada officials face no consequences

This article post on the NPRI website starts as follows:
Remember the computer "Hal," in Stanley Kubrick's movie 2001? After becoming self-aware, Hal abandoned its mission of service for that of self-preservation.

The same thing is happening in government today. Traditional principles such as "public service" and "fiduciary duty" are evaporating as government officials become aware that they can ignore the law and pursue their own agendas without fear of consequences.

We, the people, have to hold them responsible. If you have had enough, think about joining the 100,000 Challenge. You can send a message, you can send it now, and it will be effective.

Michigan miracle: Proof tax cuts work

This article by Wayne Allyn Root uses the tax cuts in Michagan to show how tax cuts work. He says that
Over the years I've come to realize that the Mafia offers a far better deal than the IRS. Let's look at the facts.

The mob comes to a businessman (like me) and demands 10 percent for "protection." The rub, of course, is that the protection is from them. The government calls that extortion and will send a mobster to prison for 20 long years on that charge. Yet the same government comes to that same businessman, demands a 50 percent (or more) cut of his business, and offers no protection whatsoever.

I prefer the deal offered by the Mafia.
Then later, he says,
Last year, 87 films were made in Michigan -- a 900 percent increase from the year before. Three major movie studios are opening this year in Michigan. Yes, the tax rebates cost Michigan $40 million, but those same tax rebates produced 7,000 new jobs and $325 million in new revenues for the Michigan economy.

Now that's a great economic success story.

Michigan is Exhibit A for proving that allowing taxpayers to keep more of their own money works like magic. Even amidst the worst economy in America, a tax incentive has persuaded Hollywood hypocrites to relocate from sunny Southern California to depressing and freezing Michigan. Can you imagine what a dramatic tax cut would do for the entire American economy?

I believe that we need to eliminate business red tape, we need to reduce business restrictions, and we need to reduce business taxes. We need to encourage businesses to move to Nevada to stimulate the economy and create jobs.

What is the difference between a tax and a fine?

I received these two comparisions in an eamil.

A fine is a tax for doing wrong.
A tax is a fine for doing well.

Physical slavery requires people to be housed and fed.
Economic slavery requires the people to feed and house themselves.

Cortez Masto assault on open-meeting laws

This article is on the internet. It is about the effort to avoid the open-meeting laws.
Why does Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto keep running legal interference for politicians who want to keep the public in the dark?

Nevada's open-meeting laws are very clear: Government deliberations are to be open to the public, says NRS 241.010:

The Legislature finds and declares that all public bodies exist to aid in the conduct of the people's business. It is the intent of the law that their actions be taken openly and that their deliberations be conducted openly.
I believe in complete visibility in the entire legislative process. How can the public make informed decisions if they are not aware of the facts.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

More double-talk on immigration issue

This letter to the Review Journal editor states
In his Sunday letter on immigration reform, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid continues to double-talk.

He writes: "If we truly want to fix our broken immigration system, and not just score political points, we need comprehensive immigration reform that is tough on lawbreakers, fair to taxpayers and practical to implement. I do not support amnesty, and I reject your (April 13) editorial's factual inaccuracies and false characterizations of the reform I support."

If promising illegal aliens that he would work on a reform that allows them to stay in the country isn't amnesty, I don't know what is. The moment that they become "legal resident aliens," they qualify for ObamaCare -- add 10 million to 20 million more to the entitlement rolls.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Federal judge rules Day of Prayer unconstitutional

This article in the Washington Post says that a Federal judge rules Day of Prayer unconstitutional.
A federal judge in Wisconsin ruled the National Day of Prayer unconstitutional Thursday, saying the day amounts to a call for religious action.

This is the problem today. Instead of a strict interpretation of the Constitution, legislatures and judges are using the most liberal interpretation possible to do anything that they want to do.

We must uphold the Constitution and apply a strict interpretation of it to save our country. If you study the writings of the founding fathers during the Constitutional Convention, you will find that they prayed before every meeting. You will find that they wanted a republic and did everything that they could to prevent a democracy.

Friday, April 16, 2010

More on taxes with an interesting blog.

The Write on Nevada blog has a post concerning the idea that Nevada needs a 'broad based tax reform'. It states that
They believe that our tax system is too reliant on sales and gaming taxes. A more diverse tax code, they think, will bring in more revenue and enable the Silver State to continue to provide basic services.

The problem is, both California and Arizona have broad tax bases, and both states are struggling just as much as Nevada. Higher taxes aren’t the answer. In fact, California has a larger tax base and is not only struggling to provide basic services, but is bleeding private-sector jobs as well.

The problem is that we have be emulating California for years and that is why Nevada is having financial problems. It will get worse if we continue to do what California does.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

On Tax Day, taxes are in the news.

Today, there were several articles in the Review Journal and the Sun about taxes. Here is a list.
Tax code makes America a warring, two-class society.(yesterday)
State income tax doesn't deserve a debate.
Make taxes smaller and simpler, period.
Simplifying U.S. tax code makes abundant sense.
We should praise the IRS, not vilify it.
Why there's no need to pity the wealthy on tax day.

We have been brainwashes into accepting taxes as a necessary evil. However, taxes take away our freedom and liberty. How can one be free if they have to give the government part of what they earn? How can one be free if their homes can be taken from them if they do not pay their property taxes?

Alexander Hamilton said:
In the general course of human nature, a power over a man's subsistence amounts to a power over his will.

In the main it will be found that a power over the man's support is a power over his will.

Taxes are not a necessary evil, they are just evil. They deprive us of our freedom, liberty, and property. In his book, 'The Law'. Frederic Bastiat says that,
Life, liberty, property do not exist because men have made laws. On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that cause men to make laws in the first place.

The Constitution is the law of our land and it has been gradually overlooked by our legislature who took an oath to uphold it.

Study shows more spending needs more taxes. Duh

More taxes are coming unless we fight back. This is a quote from an email article I received.
The ongoing charade that is the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group finally showed its true colors.

From the beginning, it has been apparent that the purpose of the stakeholder group and the associated tax study is to provide political cover for unprecedented tax increases during the 2011 legislative session. Indeed, as group member Denise Tanata Ashby of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas indicated before the group's work even began: "We are all taxpayers ourselves. But at some point, everybody has to contribute if we want that vision of Nevada that we have."

The legislative Interim Finance Committee engineered this process, instructing the stakeholder group to develop ideas for new state spending and requiring its consultant for the associated tax study, Moody's Analytics, to incorporate those new spending ideas into its recommendations for "revenue reform." Interim Finance Committee Chair Steven Horsford set the stage for the 2011 session by placing this charade by Moody's and the group of "stakeholder" tax consumers at the center. "Revenue reform is at the top of the agenda for 2011," he said. "It is THE agenda."

Last week, the stakeholder group finally began to unveil its "vision" for "revenue reform." Unsurprisingly, the discussion focused on what new taxes could be implemented in Nevada — ranging from "broad-based business taxes" to personal income taxes.

A state income tax will happen if we continue to let our legislators spend money and raise taxes. We must fight back now.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Selling a house? Papers, please.

Can you sell your house without approval from the government? This Review Journal article says that you may soon have to get an energy inspection before they can sell their home. It states that:
They're inspecting our cars -- and urging us on the radio to turn in our neighbors over a puff of smoke -- even though on-board computers reliably keep cars running vastly cleaner than 40 years ago, while city buses, the biggest polluters per passenger mile, go unchallenged. They're regulating how big our toilet tanks can be and what light bulbs we can use.

And now the Obama administration wants Americans to have their homes inspected for "energy efficiency" before they're allowed to sell them. Honest.

Government is growing too big and too fast. Too pay for all this government, taxes will have to be raised. Soon you will be paying 75% of your earnings in various taxes. You will be slaves to the government.

Four reasons to be frustrated with political leaders

This Las Vegas Sun letter to the editor, in response to a letter by a Brian Greenspan, lists 4 reasons that people are frustrated with our political leaders. They are
Because so many public servants that Greenspun praises are less than honorable — fabricating or manipulating facts to support their positions, such as the professed savings in the health care bill.

If it provides coverage for millions of additional people, the costs will be exorbitant. Politicians insult my intelligence by trying to convince me otherwise. It would have been a more honest approach to state the beneficial goals of health care reform and provide the real costs. The ends never justify the means.

Second, members of Congress frequently serve their own interests. They take large campaign contributions from lobbyists, then vote not their conscience but for the lobbyists’ interests. Some are “on the take,” as evidenced by recent criminal convictions.

Third, politicians are often devious. The health care bill revealed closed-door meetings, buying votes in exchange for federal assistance or an executive order on abortion, and clearly a manipulation of voting on the measure. Where is the promised transparency?

Finally, more than a few politicians lack ethical principles, and are selfish and narcissistic. They espouse righteous family values while living amoral lives.

While all politicians may not fall into these catagories, I am afraid that this applies to many of them.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What property rights?

This Review Journal article is how an owner's property rights were not protected by the police. The property in question was a duplex that had been a rental and was now vacant.
Jose Morales, 80, lived in the San Jose Street building for 43 years before he was forced to leave in 2008 through the Ellis Act, which allows property owners to get out of the rental business. Mr. Morales said he now lives in a small space in an office building in the Mission District. "The city should have protected me," he said. "It's like they don't see me. It's like I'm a ghost to them."

But attorney Andrew Zacks, who represented Mr. Tehlirian, said the landlord resorted to the Ellis Act only after Mr. Morales remained on the property illegally, after being given more than a year's notice and relocation fees.

Ok, an 80 year old man was thrown out of a house that he had lived in for 43 years. He now is living in a small space. It is not a good situation.
More than 50 people marched in rain through the Mission District, hoisting picket signs that read "House keys not handcuffs" and chanting "Whose city? Our city." The action was organized by Homes Not Jails, a 20-year-old Marxist group affiliated with the San Francisco Tenants Union. The group's posters and other propaganda contend the rights of squatters should be given preference over the so-called "property rights" of those who buy and manage real estate in search of profit.

By the time the tail of the procession reached the duplex on the 500 block of San Jose Street, at least eight people were inside, the Chronicle reported, holding banners from second-story windows. More than a dozen police officers were on hand, most standing on the sidewalk on the other side of the street. They did nothing.

The police did nothing. They allow these people to break in and occupy the property. What kind of protection is this? Isn't breaking and entering a crime? How would you feel if these people broke into your home and the police stood by and did nothing?

The police who stood by should be fired.

A taxing problem

This article in the Las Vegas Sun is about how Nevada has to raise taxes or
the 'new economy' will bypass Nevada and flourish in states that take education and other necessary services seriously

It is always about raising taxes and never about cutting spending.

The article also states,
That’s not a secret. For years, governors and state lawmakers have clearly seen the problem — education and vital government services don’t have the necessary funding and, as a result, don’t perform well compared with other states. The state’s antiquated tax system needs to be overhauled and made more equitable. Yet little has changed.

While I don't agree that the problem is lack of funding, I do agree that
governors and state lawmakers have clearly seen the problem.

The problem is that they didn't do anything about the reckless and wasteful spending.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The blame game.

This article is basically about how job recreation and the economy, but it is also about blaming others for problems. In the article, it quotes Lawrence Summers as saying,
We've got a long way to go. We've inherited a terrible situation, the most pressing economic problems since the Great Depression in our country.

The article also mentioned that Summers believed Congress would pass new oversight rules for the financial industry. The Wall Street meltdown was largely blamed for the recession and the near collapse of the global financial system.

Each party or person blames someone else for the economic problems when they all either ignored the problems or contributed to them.

Why to we the people still trust the so-called experts who put us in this situation? The people, like Ron Paul or Peter Schiff, who warned of this economic collapse were and still are ignored and ridiculed.

We will continue to vote either Republican or Democratic candidates into office, spending will continue, and taxes will be raised until all our freedom and liberty is gone.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tough choices ahead

This article in the Las Vegas Sun states that,
Like Pennsylvania, Nevada faces a dire situation and has been cutting its budget recently. When taxes are raised here, they tend to be of the Band-Aid variety. Of course, if Nevada’s political leaders had been doing the right thing in the past, modestly passing tax hikes when times were good, we wouldn’t be in the boat we’re now in, desperately hunting for new sources of revenue or taking a cleaver to the state’s budget. One thing that’s clear is that Nevada must come to grips with creating a stable, fair tax structure that works for the 21st century.

While I agree that "Nevada's political leaders should have been doing the right thing in the past", I don't agree that they should have be passing tax increases. I think that they should have controlled spending.

It also claims that,
Leaving aside some good arguments against such a mileage-metering plan, the real problem rests in that Nevada hasn’t raised the state’s share of the gas tax since the early 1990s. The state’s population has exploded in two decades, putting even more pressure on the state’s infrastructure.

While the population has exploded, so did the tax revenue. The problem is that the money was spent recklessly without any consideration of where it was spent or how it was spent. No consideration was given to economic cycles which have always occurred.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Las Vegas news reports point out problems

There were several articles in the Review Journal the last 2 days that point out problems with Nevada's economy and legislature.

First, was an article on Las Vegas near the bottom or the national retail index. It says that soft job growth and weakness in the houseing market are at fault. Who could have guessed?

Then, there was a commentary about "What keeps us here?" It discusses a survery.
When the survey was released last week, reporters quickly seized on the results from this question: If you could live anywhere you want, where would you want to live? Forty percent of respondents said they would move out of Nevada altogether. Five percent would leave the Las Vegas Valley for another location in Nevada.

Why did they move here in the first place? They wanted the low taxes, inexpensive homes, the job opportunities, the affordable cost of living, and the freedom.

Then there was another article about casinos in financial trouble. It was about Hooters Hotel and had a quote from the owner that said, there is "substantial doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern." The articla also mentioned 3 other casino companies that were in financial trouble. They were Herbst Gaming Inc., Tropicana Entertainment, Inc., and Resorts LVH Acqwuisitions.

As you know there are several other casino companies with financial problems. Of course, the economy is the number one problem, but I think that we also have to look at the changes that have occurred in the last 20 or 30 years.

Our Nevada taxes have been steadily increasing which affects the cost of living. The costs to businesses have increased as the legislature passed more and more restictive and costly legislation. The casinos have increased the room rates, show prices, food prices, and the take on the gambling.

All these changes have contributed to our economic problems. They have contributed to the reduced standard of living of Nevadians, they have contributed to the reduced income from tourism, they have contributed the lack on new businesses moving here, and they have contributed to the fact that Nevada is suffering from this depression more than most states.

It is time to reduce taxes and eliminate government restictions on businesses. We have to make Nevada, once again, the place to live, the place to do business, and the place to raise and educate your children.

Taxing for miles driven letter

In this letter, the writer asks,
We now tax drivers at the pump according to how much fuel they purchase, so how could this information go any further to tailor the road-use taxation?

He continues,
A 20,000-mile-a-year driver pays twice as much as one driving 10,000 miles. Heavier vehicles, like trucks, get low mileage and pay more per mile. Their registrations cost more.

Is it the intent to pull information from the boxes and tax us according to our interstate, county highway and local roadway mileage?

I agree and ask why did the DMV waste our tax dollars on this product and study?