NPRI article about graduation is depressing. It states that
high school graduates earn, on average, at least 38 percent more money per week than do high school drop-outs — and, with even more education, income rises substantially. High school graduates also live healthier, longer lives on average, and are less likely to go to jail or live in poverty.
Of course, you would expect that graduates would do better than non graduates. However, the article continues with the bad news. It states
Unfortunately, graduation time in Nevada is not as cheerful as it should be. Sobering data from the National Center for Education Statistics puts the "Average Freshman Graduation Rate" in Nevada at 51.3 percent for the 2007-08 school year — worst in the nation and 23.6 points lower than the national average.
NCES also notes that the drop-out rate in Nevada is 5.1 percent — 24 percent higher than the national average. In 2007-08 alone, 6,170 Silver State students dropped out of high school. Many, per the statistics, are destined for poverty and crime.
It is time to take action and cut administration costs, demand that students learn the curriculum or they fail, divide the large school districts to provide local control, and to use a voucher system.