Monday, November 29, 2010

Real Shocker-Consumers not gaga over electric cars

In this article in the Review Journal, it states,
When the Obama administration took over financially ailing General Motors, more than one observer dubbed the resulting enterprise "Government Motors."

Since then, GM has geared up production of pricey "hybrids" that supposedly cause less pollution, until one considers battery disposal.

Critics complained the central state was mandating production of a kind of car that truck- and SUV-hungry American consumers don't want. The Obama administration responded, in effect, "Not so: Lots of the hybrids are selling."

But an examination of just where those sales are coming from gives the "Government Motors" label new relevance. President Barack Obama's own administration has bought almost a fourth of the Ford and GM hybrid vehicles sold since he took office, Bloomberg News reports, accelerating federal purchases to make up for waning consumer demand.

Once again the government is interfering with supply and demand. The liberals complain that capitalism doesn't work, but the government has been interfering with capitalism for years. The more that government interferes, the more that our government becomes socialistic. That is why we are an economic crisis today.

Putting the insurance business out of business

In this article in the Review Journal, it states,
Many -- even "moderate" Republicans -- have been heard of late to say, "There are sections of Obamacare that need tweaking, maybe even repeal. But there are some provisions that should be kept, that we can all agree make sense, including the ban on insurance companies refusing to cover people with pre-existing conditions."

This seems like a very good idea except that it will not work. As the article states later,
No insurance enterprise -- which spreads among participants the risk of future misfortunes which cannot be precisely predicted -- could long survive if people were allowed to buy "insurance" against unhappy events which had already occurred, paying in (say) $6,000 to get back a guaranteed $100,000.

The article ends by stating,
Certainly it's not a happy thing that one can't sign up for fire insurance on a house that's already burned down. But the laws of physics, economics and mathematics cannot be repealed by the central state, as they must eventually learn.

Unless, of course, the whole point is to drive the private insurance firms out of business.

Insurance is should be available to everyone. If one decides that they do not want insurance, they must suffer the consequences. However, the problem is that insurance is provided by employers in most cases and is cancelled when you lose your job. Then if you have pre-existing conditions, you cannot get insurance.

One suggestion is to have insurance which is yours as long as you pay for it. Your employer would reimburse you for the costs. The employer should be able to deduct it as an expense as they do now and you would not have to declare it as income. It would then go with you from employer to employer.

Public employee pensions--We can't afford them

In this article in the Review Journal, it states,
If there's one good government idea out there, it's the concept of moving public workers from anachronistic defined-benefit plans to modern 401(k)-style retirement plans.

This is a good idea. In fact, it is something that the IAP working on getting passed in the 2011 legislative session.

The article also states,
Defined-benefit plans stem from a bad moment in time in which employers -- and now unions -- cared for employees like children incapable of planning for their own retirements. Over time, these plans metastasized into grotesque shadows of their initial good intention.

We have to face facts. We cannot avoid this type of public pension plans. In fact, we should also require that all politicians be part of the public pension plan. They should not be able to vote on something that affects everyone but them.

Critics see few licensing panels needed

This article in the Review Journal states,
Nevada's outgoing governor isn't the only one questioning the need for licensing boards that set standards and license workers in many occupations.

While defenders say the boards protect the public from harm, others suggest they are unnecessary for occupations that don't require high skill levels.

I think that we have too many licensing boards now. You have to have a license to cut hair for a living.

How many people were harmed by haircuts before they were licensed? If someone gave you a bad haircut, you just didn't go back the next time you needed a hair cut.

The article later states,
During recessions, workers who lose their jobs need the opportunity to start their own businesses, and licensing agencies often make that difficult, Berliner said. "Many, if not most, make it difficult to start home-based businesses. That is important for people who have lost their jobs."

People should have the opportunity to start their own businesses any time. That is what made America great.

What we need is less licensing and more freedom. As it says in The Declaration of Independence, we are endowed "with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Government too large for our good

This letter to the editor in the Sun states,
I want the size, scope, power and reach of the federal government reduced. Why? Because when any human driven entity becomes very powerful, it eventually becomes “out of balance,” and it abuses its “power and reach.”
Later, it states,
Creating giant deficits through awful economic policy, manipulating the housing market leading to a housing value collapse, going to war without proper taxes to fund the effort, stealing money from the Social Security Trust Fund to pay for other government priorities, enacting immigration laws and then not enforcing them, spending billions of “borrowed” dollars on foreign aid and nation-building efforts, allowing our national infrastructure to age because revenue was spent foolishly on other items, using the power and reach of the federal government to attempt “social engineering” of American society, etc. — all this carnage was caused by our federal government and its size, scope, power and reach.
This seems to summarize the effects of big government very well.

We have let 2 parties control our government for over 100 years. It is time for new management and smaller government.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Back up

Regarding the editorial entitled “Back up”, the problem of the backlog of immigration cases could be solved by passing a law similar to the SB 1070 in Arizona. By fining employers of illegal aliens, the illegal aliens would have trouble fining work and many would leave the state.

Illegal aliens would also be concerned with any traffic violation that may lead to their deportation. The economic situation here in Nevada would also be another incentive for them to leave the state.

Since Oklahoma and Arizona have passed stiff immigration laws, many illegal aliens have left those states. I fear that many of them have moved to Nevada.

We shouldn't allow politicians to deceive us.

In this letter to the editor in the Sun, it says that,
Why let political shenanigans decide who and what gets our vote instead of using common sense and putting country and all American people first? Of course, this is something about which we don’t usually think, as is the fact that we never learn our lesson nor see that power-hungry political parties are not interested in the welfare of the country or the American people, but only in themselves.

With 2 parties in complete control, this is what you will get. We need to have 3 or 4 major parties to provide a choice for the voters.

In Nevada, the voters have a great opportunity to have a 3rd major political party. the Independent American Party is the 3rd largest party and the fastest growing party in Nevada. 4 IAP candidates were elected in the last election.

Now is the time to register as an IAP voter. You can still vote for the candidate that you feel is best, but you will have helped the IAP become the 3rd major political party in Nevada and sent a message that you have had enough and will fight back.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Election Results

I want to thank everyone for their support and prayers. Unfortunately, I didn't win the election. Here are the results.for Nevada State Senate District 9.

Elizabeth Halseth-Republican 41,658 votes 50%
Tom Jones-Indenpendent American Party 4,575 votes 5%
Benny Yerushalmi-Democrat 37,152 votes 45%

I learned a lot about campaigning and really enjoyed meeting everyone.As the Clark County IAP Secretary, I plan to continue working hard to help the IAP become the third major political party in Nevada.

The Independent American Party is the third largest party in Nevada. It is also the fastest growing party in Nevada. In this last election, the IAP had four candidates win their races. The winners were
John Lampros of White Pine County was elected to County Commissioner in Seat 5
Falkon Finlinson was elected as Public Administrator in Nye County
Arthur Wehrmeister was elected as the Esmeralda County District Attorney
and Jackie Burg was reelected as the Eureka County Clerk County.

With a major effort beginning now, the IAP plans to be a major party by the end of 2011. The IAP is reorganizing to become to become an effective force in the 2012 election.

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their help and support.