"No, our money is just fine, Vin," writes in one correspondent, answering my column of Nov. 21. "In spite of what the gold bugs would have you believe; the value of the dollar is still, historically and relatively speaking, at the place it was a century ago."
The author replied,
It's hard to believe anyone who's allowed unsupervised use of a computer can think the dollar is worth as much as it was a century ago -- or even 50 years ago, for that matter.
Later, the author states,
"No, our money is just fine, Vin," writes in one correspondent, answering my column of Nov. 21. "In spite of what the gold bugs would have you believe; the value of the dollar is still, historically and relatively speaking, at the place it was a century ago."
He continues,
Still, I suppose there's no convincing anyone who insists on believing their paper dollars have not lost value, that someone who was promised years ago their widow would be fine on a $2,000-a-year railroad pension was not cheated in any way by the banksters printing up all their new Monopoly money at the Federal Reserve.
The point is that fiat money is not real money and that when the United States stopped backing its money with gold, the people were being robbed of their savings.
The Federal Reserve has not prevented recessions or depressions like the government expected it to do. The Fed has actually caused more problems.
We need to get back to real silver and gold money. In fact, soon there will be an organization in Nevada that will provide a means to use real silver and gold money as currency as it should be used.
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