Monday, July 26, 2010

Employers 0, employees just getting welfare

This letter to the editor in the LVRJ, is about the extended unemployment payments. It states that,
There are jobs waiting to be filled, but far too many people who are receiving unemployment are not taking these jobs. Why, you ask? Because they get checks that are almost the same amount they can earn by actually working. Would you give up the money that the government is sending to you to stay home?

There is a lot of truth to this statement. I know at least 3 people that turned down jobs because they decided it was not worth working for the difference between what they would be paid and what they received from unemployment payments.

This letter also present these 4 facts.
First, it would be nice if members of our House delegation knew that "employers" pay for unemployment insurance, not employees.

Second, Nevada currently owes the U.S. government approximately $500 million that it has borrowed to make the current unemployment payments.

Third, before this past week's extension, Nevada's unemployed were receiving 99 weeks of benefits -- now it is 125 weeks. That is a staggering five weeks short of two-and-one-half years of unemployment benefits.

Fourth, next year the employers will be facing substantially increased unemployment tax rates in order to start repaying the government and the $90 million of interest that will be due on the borrowed money. These tax increases will keep businesses from hiring new employees

Now, I haven't checked these facts out for accuracy, but they are scary. I mean 500 million in debt. We had to cover an 800 million budget deficit last year and this wasn't included.

We are facing the largest tax increase in history in 2011 unless we make some drastic changes instead.


  1. Dear Mr. Jones, I too grew up in St. Ignatius and attend the elementary school as well. I graduated from St. Edward High School spent three years in the military and received my BA and MA from Cleveland State University.
    So if I get the idea behind what you are saying is that people who are unemployed no matter what their skill level or education should take any job they can get to save the state and their former employer from the cost of paying unemployment insurance? In this economy many are doing that but there are a couple of flaws in your thinking. 1. Employers usually won't hire someone over qualified for a job because they know that person will leave when a job more suited comes along. 2. Many of the jobs posted pay less than the unemployment compensation that many are receiving. What would you do?
    Since you are running for state senator in Nevada, or if you were running in any other state why not set a precedent and take no salary or benefits. Take a per diem for each day the senate is in session. Elected offices such as representatives positions should be voluntary positions with no benefits that are publicly funded so no messy campaign contributions and term limited to avoid abuse of power.
    Thanks for listening,

  2. Well, fellow Clevelander, I agree with you on point one. However, you do not have to state everything on an employment applicantion.

    On the second point, by taking a job now, you would have a job when unemployment compensation runs out. I also believe that when you have a job, it is easier to get another job.

    About my not taking a salary if elected, I may do that. I believe that the salary totals about $13,000 for 4 years or an average of $3,250 per year. I really don't know and don't care.

    I am retired and am not trying to make a career out of politics.
