Wednesday, December 22, 2010

To revive economy, pull back red tape

This is another article that was in the Review Journal that I could not find a link in the RJ, so I am using this Washington Post link. This article is the effect of red tape on business expansion and about reducing the regulations. It states,
One reason often cited for this unwillingness to invest is executives' belief that Washington regulators are stifling fresh investment and discouraging innovation through new rules and requirements.

If Washington expects to partner with the private sector to lead the effort toward economic recovery, we must address the regulatory uncertainty felt by many of our small and large businesses.

I feel that this applies to the state level as well as the national level. We need to make Nevada more business friendly by reducing the red tape and restrictions faced by a new business.

In my opinion, it is not constitutional for a regulation agency to pass regulation which as actually laws. Congress is the only branch of the federal government that is given the power to pass laws by the Constitution. Congress should not give that power away.

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